DESCRIPTOR: High School Rank in percentages

DEFINITION: In tenths, the academic rank of a student in the graduating class at the high school described in data element HSCH (High School Code).


01 = Top Ten Percent

02 = Second Ten Percent

03 = Third Ten Percent

04 = Fourth Ten Percent

05 = Fifth Ten Percent

06 = Sixth Ten Percent

07 = Seventh Ten Percent

08 = Eighth Ten Percent

09 = Ninth Ten Percent

10 = Bottom Ten Percent

11 = GED/Not Ranked

12 = Unknown


NOTE: This field will be used primarily in the analysis of first-time freshmen.

SOURCE: CHE Enrollment File

EXAMPLE: To select students in the top ten percent, type HSRANK='01' in the WHERE statement. To select students in the top twenty percent, type HSRANK<'03' or HSRANK IN ('01','02') in the WHERE statement.