USC Columbia
Spring Enrollment by School (1999-2003)

  1999 2000 2001 2002 2003
Nursing 560 551 470 486 640
Pharmacy 226 183 188 214 273
Arnold School of Public Health 276 245 218 236 257
Continuing Education 286 234 249 213 153
Cont. Educ. HS/Dist 228 221 258 258 268
Science & Math 2,165 2,075 1,502 1,465 1,561
Hosp., Retail & Sport Mgmt. 1,328 1,168 1,322 1,540 1,455
Liberal Arts* 4,267 4,209 4,272 4,434 4,921
South Carolina College 7 15 13 12 10
Music 302 309 299 289 279
Moore School of Business 2,443 2,597 2,430 2,379 2,463
Education 125 114 103 102 116
Engineering & Info. Technology 986 948 1,366 1,293 1,331
Mass Comm. & Info. Studies** 907 961 1,049 1,208 1,342
Fort Jackson 173 158 152 142 116
Undergraduate Total 14,279 13,988 13,891 14,271 15,185
Medicine 112 136 151 159 173
Nursing 212 169 139 112 104
Pharmacy 28 27 23 21 17
Social Work 502 495 467 436 483
Arnold School of Public Health 637 566 541 517 542
School of the Environment 42 51 52 44 42
Graduate Non-Degree
497 525 572 694
Science & Math 475 447 368 359 353
Hosp., Retail & Sport Mgmt. 17 12 21 30 49
Liberal Arts* 1,099 892 860 785 812
Music 132 126 117 119 109
Moore School of Business 701 622 567 544 513
Education 1,860 894 764 794 822
Engineering & Info. Technology 274 333 420 417 471
Mass Comm. & Info. Studies** 497 523 549 504 564
Interdisc. Studies (MAT/IMA) 360 276 234 245 264
Engineering APOGEE 115 103 101 83 79
M.B.A.- E.T.V. 314 298 261 251 249
Graduate Total 7,377 6,467 6,160 5,992 6,340
Medicine - MD 287 291 288 284 288
Pharmacy 220 227 212 226 241
Law School 731 695 661 692 701
Professional Total 1,238 1,213 1,161 1,202 1,230
COLUMBIA TOTAL 22,894 21,668 21,212 21,465 22,755

* Includes Criminal Justice
** Includes Journalism and Library & Info. Science