USC Columbia
Enrollment by School and Class Level (Fall 2016)

  Fresh Soph Junior Senior Grad Prof TOTAL
College of Hospitality, Retail, & Sport Mgmt 412 550 600 809 164 - 2,535
College of Arts and Sciences  1,574 1,840 1,806 2,493 1,114 - 8,827
College of Education  172 234 266 421 1,219 - 2,312
College of Engineering & Computing  595 650 626 1,049 575 - 3,495
College of Nursing  303 268 189 337 498 - 1,595
College of Pharmacy  123 141 54 11 22 - 351
College of Social Work  13 34 58 77 566 - 748
Darla Moore School of Business 1,279 1,242 1,176 1,568 842 - 6,107
Evening & Non-degree Programs  279 7 2 29 - - 317
Extended University  - - - 1 - - 1
Ft Jackson Military Base Prgm 6 3 4 2 - - 15
Global Carolina  121 - - - - - 121
Grad School Non-Dgr Category  - - - - 256 - 256
Information & Communications  287 408 413 443 382 - 1,933
Interdisciplinary Programs  - - - - 90 - 90
NJ Arnold School of Public Health 252 374 470 704 702 - 2,502
Palmetto Programs  - - 97 244 - - 341
SC College of Pharmacy  - - - - - 431 431
School of Law  - - - - - 609 609
School of Medicine Columbia  - - - - 214 373 587
School of Medicine Greenville  - - - - - 333 333
School of Music  62 52 54 99 153 - 420
South Carolina Honors College  - - 1 6 - - 7
Undergraduate Studies  54 82 19 11 - - 166
COLUMBIA TOTAL 5,532 5,885 5,835 8,304 6,797 1,746 34,099