Office of Institutional Research, Assessment, and Analytics

La Trice Ratcliff-Small
Institutional Effectiveness Manager
NAME/TITLE: La Trice Ratcliff-Small, Institutional Effectiveness Manager, Office of Institutional Research, Assessment and Analytics, Office of the Provost, University of South Carolina.
EDUCATION: Ph.D. Candidate (expected graduation 2019) – Higher Education Administration, University of South Carolina, MBA General Management, St. Mary’s University (2003) San Antonio, BBA in Human Resources Management (1997)
PROFESSIONAL HISTORY: Served as the Director of Assessment for the Darla Moore School of Business, at the University of South Carolina since 2010. Hired as the Academic Program Assessment and Data Collection Coordinator for the Darla Moore School of Business in 2005. Former Graduate Research Assistant in the Office of Planning, Assessment and Research at Clark-Atlanta University in 2001. Professional experience in client relations with West Teleservices as a Client Services Account Manager from 1998 – 2001. Human Resources experience also with West Teleservices from 1997-1998.
USC BIO: Since 2005, I have been responsible for managing the school’s assessment processes in compliance with the Assurance of Learning standards for the school (AACSB) and the for the University’s accreditation for the Southern Association for Colleges and Schools (SACS). I have also been responsible for the coordination of accreditation activities for the Moore School, dissemination and reporting accuracy of the school’s data for submission to various rankings, and for the college’s faculty database. In my current role, I oversee academic program assessment activities across the University and work closely with the Assessment Advisory Committee and with other university support units to help develop an institutional climate that assures and improves the quality of education for each academic.