Office of Institutional Research, Assessment, and Analytics

Retention & Graduation
The overall graduation rate listed in the Undergraduate New Student Retention and Graduation Rates is the official IPEDS graduation rate as monitored and reported by the SC Commission on Higher Education. During the conversion to the OneCarolina/Banner student reporting system, a review of student identifiers was undertaken and a small number of inconsistencies were found in our official files and in those reported to CHE. While procedures for reconciling those inconsistent identifiers are being developed and implemented, retention and graduation reports by school will be calculated from the files containing the inconsistencies. When those procedures are complete, they will be recalculated.
Retention Reports by School
- 2017 Freshman-Junior Retention Report by School
- 2016 Freshman-Junior Retention Report by School
- 2015 Freshman-Junior Retention Report by School
- 2014 Freshman-Junior Retention Report by School