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Office of Institutional Research, Assessment, and Analytics

Faculty Credentials for SACSCOC

In compliance with the Southern Association of Colleges and Schools Commission on College’s (SACSCOC) accreditation standards, the University of South Carolina documents the qualifications of its teaching faculty on an on-going basis.  The term “teaching faculty” refers to all instructors of record, regardless of university appointment. 

The University must demonstrate that the instructor of record for each credit-bearing course holds the appropriate credentials to teach the course.  Teaching credentials are documented using the SACSCOC Faculty Roster.  The Faculty Roster is created each semester by the Office of Institutional Research, Assessment, and Analytics (OIRAA) and includes the names of all instructors of record, a list of courses they are teaching, and their qualifications for teaching those courses.

SACSCOC has published a set of minimum academic credential guidelines for instructors of record, but acknowledges that other types of qualifications may be appropriate for certain courses.  When using qualifications other than the minimum academic credentials outlined by SACSCOC, an Instructor of Record Qualifications form must be submitted.  Refer to the list of resources to the right for more information about SACSCOC’s credential guidelines, Qualifications forms, and University policy and procedures related to faculty credentials.    

Please direct questions regarding faculty credential documentation or the SACSCOC Faculty Roster to Donald Miles (777-9088, in the Office of Institutional Research, Assessment, and Analytics.

Alternate Credentials

Graduate Coursework

Graduate Teaching Assistant

Office of Institutional Research, Assessment, and Analytics